Events and engagements

— Upcoming events —


Mapping multilingual (counter-)expertises: Scientific and political knowledge production across borders in the long twentieth century

Workshop CFP 

Date: 23-24 August 2023

CFP Deadline: 30 January 2023

Organisers: Dr Guilherme Fians and Bernhard Struck 

See the full CFP and details here.

— Past events —


“Popularising History Through Esperanto”

Pilar Requejo de Lamo

History Lab+ 2023 Early-Career Conference: Making History


27 July 2023

Senate House, London

Full programme here.

Transnational Societies and Organisations and New Sociabilities

Workshop CFP

Date: 5-7 July 2023

Venue: Paris, Campus Condorcet

See the full CFP and details here.

Esperanto Wor(l)ds: Scotland, Postcards, and the Creation of an International Language


Date: 13 April – 29 May 2023

Wardlaw Museum

7 The Scores, St Andrews, KY16 9AR

Click here for more information.

Pilar Requejo de Lamo

“Between Internationalism and Nationalism: the Esperanto Movement in the early 20th century in the Iberian Peninsula”

Transnational Activism in a Divided World: The Regional within the Global


25 March 2023

Northumbria University, Newcastle

Bernhard Struck

“Esperanto, its history, makers, shakers, travellers between Dundee, Bohemia & Osijek c.1900-1930s”

Tuesday, 7 March 2023, University of St Andrews

Bernhard Struck

“A Language ‘Better than Football’: A Nigerian Engineer, a German Chemist, and a Guy from Hollywood — Toward a Transnational History of Esperanto”

Wednesday, 8 February 2023, University of St Andrews

Pazifismus in der Praxis / Le pacifisme en pratique

The Atelier Jeunes Chercheurs de l’Université Franco-Allemande will be hosting this year’s workshop ‘Pazifismus in der Praxis / Le pacifisme en pratique’ in Bonn (6-8 September 2022).

See the full programme here.

Transnational History as Spatial History: The Case of the Esperanto Movement in the Early 20th Century

22 June 2021, Scottish Graduate School for the Arts & Humanities

Practiques des langues en contexte transnational / Sprachpraktiken in transnationalen Kontexten

6-8 September 2021, Centre Marc Bloch – Atelier Jeunes Chercheur.e.s de l’Université Franco-Allemande /

Forschungsatelier für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen der Deutsch-Französischen Hochschule

Full Programme

Manuela Burghelea 

Kosmopolitismo – la kazo de Esperanto (Cosmopolitanism – the case of Esperanto) 

5 December 2020, online conference of the Brazilian Esperanto League, Gaucho Esperanto Association 

Bernhard Struck and Marcel Koschek 

Polnische Esperantisten als lokale Internationalisten? Die Esperantobewegung in Ostmitteleuropa, 1880s-1930 (Polish Esperantists as local internationalists? The Esperanto movement in east central Europe, 1880s-1930s) 

27 October 2020, German Historical Institute, Warsaw 

Pilar Requejo de Lamo

The Esperanto Movement as a Transnational Network for the Promotion of Regional Cultures

26 May 2020, 14th Graduate Conference in European History (GRACEH), European University Institute

Marcel Koschek and Bernhard Struck 

Up and Down the Scales. Visualising the Esperanto Movement around 1900 

27 February 2020, University of Manchester

Bernhard Struck

Esperanto Expertise? Local Actors – Transnational Knowledge in the Early Twentieth Century 

19 June 2019, Graines Summer School, Charles University, Prague 


October 2024